Kick Ass in Life: Interviews

How to land an Informational Interview the right way

Struggling with what to write in your email for an informational interview? Fear no more. I share all dos/don’ts for how to reach out and get an informational interview that won’t annoy the other person. Instead, it will get them to say YES quickly so you can impress the hell out of them. One tip: it does NOT involve the words “pick your brain.” If you’re including this in any of your cold emails – you’re doing it WRONG. Learn…

How to Find the Right Job Opportunities & Where to Look

Have you ever struggled to get started in a job search and not known where to get started? In this episode, I talk about where to look for job opportunities. From using the resources online to your network, there are a few places you should always be searching for a job. 2018 is the year of YOU. If one of your goals is to find a new job this year — get started and start searching. Actively looking for opportunities…

Sell Yourself with an Online Portfolio that Shines

Wondering how to create a portfolio that stands apart? It’s easy! 1. Buy your domain name. Own your brand. Go to and buy your domain name. If it’s not available, try .me instead of .com. 2. Include relevant work. Make sure all links work and are displayed in a simple, beautiful way. 3. If you’re good at a lot, pick one thing. Highlight how you are incredible in one thing and use your portfolio to show it off. If…

How to be an Unforgettable Even as an Intern

Have you landed an internship this semester? Excellent. You rock. Because now getting internships can be just as hard as getting a job. Why is it? Well, think about it. You’re in a class with so many smart, determined young professionals. So now that you’ve found yourself with an internship – you should be very proud. Next is to make a positive impression when you’re there. You’ll meet a lot of awesome contacts. Do the work. Be the worker. Be…

How to Get the Most Out of an Informational Interview

An informational interview is key to expand your network and LEARN from others who have been there. Here are some of my top tips in preparing for an informational interview and leveraging the relationship to add to your network. Want more? Check out these quick tips: Preparing for an informational interview How to Ask for an Informational Interview

How to Prep for an Informational Interview

Research. Once you have a target for who to have an informational interview with, research your person. Cull talking points from LinkedIn and social media, such as details about their current position, prior experience, and professional memberships. See if you can discover how they spend their time and what hobbies they enjoy. Be prepared. Now that you know a bit more about this person, write down specific questions that target the information you need. What did they learn most from…

Ask for In-Person Informational Interviews

Once you’ve crafted your elevator pitch, you’ll need to meet people face to face. Ask your friends, professors, family, or connections to introduce you to working professionals who would be valuable for you to meet. This could be a grad three to five years out of school or a seasoned professional with more than 20 years of experience. Either way, you are now on a fact-finding mission to understand their professional path and listen to any advice they have for…

Craft The Perfect Elevator Pitch

Imagine the CEO of your dream job company just walked into the elevator. You now have 16 floors to make an impression, get noticed, and get hired. What do you say? Do you panic, convinced that this person won’t care, is too busy, too important, or not interested? No! You have from floors 1 to 16 to make an awesome impression. What do you do? Ok, so maybe this rarely happens in an elevator, but creating a version of the…