You’ve been asking yourself what’s next for the past several months—wondering what will happen once you graduate. Now that you’ve graduated (or close to it), you’re eager to move into the job market. Welcome to the beginning, which is the hardest place to be. But begin we must.
You are determined. You want to make your mark and start your career. So why the heck aren’t you getting calls for interviews? Why don’t they realize how awesome you are? Do you need to go back and get more schooling? Does it get easier? Oh boy, does it cause a world of anxiety, stress, and doubt.
You’ve made it through school, where the path was set forth ahead of you. After classes and exams, you’ve proven you can handle responsibility and assignments. But there is nothing near as stressful as trying to get a job. After graduation, it’s all on you. They’ve given you the education you need to be successful in your chosen career path, but not necessarily the skills you need to get that first job.
You might be asking yourself: How come my friend got a job right away and it’s been impossible for me to land a job? It’s been six months since graduation, and should I just take an internship at this point? I’m willing to do anything to just get started. Why hasn’t anyone noticed how qualified and eager I am?
The path you’re about to go on is not easy, and it’s not easy for anyone. You have a vision for your life, which feels slightly out of reach right now. You already know about the hard work and determination it takes to achieve your goals. You’re primed and ready for the next step. With your drive and a few practical tips, you too can kick ass in your career.
Enjoy my podcast where I help you get hired fast, be smart with money and be a happier and healthier you.
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Also I do this for YOU so please reach out with questions: kickassinyourlife [at] gmail.com. I’m here for you.