Kick Ass in Life: Networking

How to Build a Dream Career with Dia Darling

We throw around this term dream career and I bet you’re wondering  – What’s possible? Is a dream career attainable?

How to Craft Your Elevator Pitch

Imagine the CEO of your dream job company just walked into the elevator. You now have 16 floors to make an impression, get noticed, and get hired. What do you say?

How to Create a Dream Career, Not Just a Dream Job with Nissar Ahmed

In this episode, we talk about how you can skip the traditional job search process, how to create a dream career, not just a dream job, how to start a path in entrepreneurship and how to fall in love with the process.

How to Pitch Yourself with Laura Meyer

The founder and CEO of Envision Horizons talks networking secrets, applying for jobs and how to kick ass during the interview process.

How to Hack Your Job Search with CEO of Edvo, Shireen Jaffer

The job search process is not easy. It’s messy. It’s complicated. Shireen Jaffer is working to change that, Shireen Jaffer is the co-founder and CEO of Edvo, which she calls your job search on autopilot. It’s a venture-backed startup that works as a matchmaker between companies and candidates to close the gap and to fast track the interview process.

Listener Questions: How to Land a Job as a Producer & Find More Creativity at Work

I’ve gathered your questions! You’ve emailed me wanting advice on the job search process. You’ve asked how to get a job. How to get noticed. How to find a more fulfilling career. And so much more.

How to create authentic connections and build your network

“Hi I’m Laura and I’m seeking opportunities…”

A great way to meet several people at once is to go to networking events. These types of events are organized by professional groups, alumni associations, or other types of clubs and organizations as a way to meet other people in a specific industry or geographical location.

How to Interview Like a Rockstar to Get Hired FAST

So you’ve been invited for an interview – great news. This is your chance to wow them, show them how awesome you are and snag that job.

How to network like a PRO

You’ve heard getting a job is not about what you know; it’s about whom you know. In a job search, you can only cast a net as wide as the network of people you know. Face to face connections are imperative to grow your network to include key players who can help you, recommend you for jobs, or direct you to someone else to meet who can further expand your network. The goal is to create a huge web of…