Quick Tips

Are you soon-to-be grad or recent grad and trying to differentiate yourself in a sea of sameness? Are you applying for jobs but not hearing back? Or are you not sure where to even start?

Frugality is your New Best Friend

Frugal gets a bad rep. It does! But it doesn’t have to. You could reclaim frugality so you can live your best life. Why would you want to save money? Money provides freedom. And a whole hell of a lot of it. When you’re just starting out, you don’t have a lot of money, ergo you don’t have a lot of freedom. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can have MORE freedom. How? Yes, by making more…

Posted in Health, Money

How to Get the Most Out of an Informational Interview

An informational interview is key to expand your network and LEARN from others who have been there. Here are some of my top tips in preparing for an informational interview and leveraging the relationship to add to your network. Want more? Check out these quick tips: Preparing for an informational interview How to Ask for an Informational Interview

Posted in Career, Interviews, Jobs, show-note

Cultivate Grit & Be Tenacious in Everything You Do

Grit. You’ve heard of it. It basically is a measure of how quickly you bounce back after a setback. We all get setbacks. All. Of. The. Time. It’s totally normal to receive a ton of setback when you’re first getting started. None of that means anything nor is a predictor of future success. Where the “good stuff” happens is when you’ve been knocked down is how quickly it takes to get back up. We all deal with rejection on a…

Posted in Career

See Massive Results through Massive Action

The only way to get anything done is to ACT. Massive action is just HOW you should act. When you’re first starting out you’re interested in getting a job, but you have so many anxieties: Why haven’t I gotten hired yet? Why have my friends gotten hired before me? What do they have that I don’t have? Should I just take an internship? I don’t even know what I want to do with my life! HELP! Oye vey. That’s a…

Posted in Career, Health, Jobs

Get Started with the Help of Temp Agencies

Have you heard of temp agencies? They are located in most cities and they provide opportunities for temporary work. These can be as simple as filing paperwork, answering phones or being someone’s assistant. It’s not hard work, but it’s not particularly interesting. You don’t take it so you can be inspired. Rather you take it so you can just get started. To get started you submit your resume online to the agency and they follow up with a call. You…

Posted in Career, Jobs, NYC

Congratulations December Graduates

If you are graduating in December, don’t freak out. This is the time to freak out. Don’t do it. You’ll be fine. In fact, you’ll be more than fine, you’ve got this. Each semester was preparing you for this moment. This moment when you’d be on your own, ready for what’s next. Yes, this is the time for YOU. Previously the path was set forth in front of you. Homework, grades, assignments, and projects were set forth FOR you. Now…

Posted in Career, Internships, Recent Grads