Kick Ass in Life: Health
How to Have More Energy by Listening to Your Body and Eating Well
Cristy Powers is a health coach, wellness blogger, recipe creator and pilates instructor who is super passionate about helping others reverse health conditions. We talk about what is in our foods, how to create foods you actually want to eat, how to listen to your body when you eat and other ways you can control stress through some self care.
My ebook is now on Amazon!
Sent out a million resumes and haven’t heard back? Is your application going straight to the black hole? This practical and step-by-step approach will help you differentiate yourself in this hyper-competitive environment, get hired fast and launch a career. You have no time to waste in a job search – it’s time to kick ass in your career!
How to Face Imposter Syndrome
We all feel like we don’t belong sometimes and we are inadequate in our jobs. It can feel like we somehow tricked people to get where we are today. Sometimes we feel like we don’t deserve the success we’ve achieved.
Ask Yourself Every Day if You Feel Bright
Are you feeling bright? It’s hard. It’s December and crazy busy and the answer is no, you’re probably not feeling too bright right about now. I’m not talking about the holiday spirit, either. I’m talking about that part deep inside of you that feels good when you wake up and go to work, class or otherwise.
September is the new January
It’s time to get in gear because September is the beginning of the all new you. Wait. You check your calendar. January is four months away. September is just another month. You’re done with school, so why should you think about September as a transition time?
Which Friends Should I Hold Onto?
You’ve had a lot of friends that you went to school with – which is awesome. When you move to a new city, you could be wondering who to keep and who to let go. You try for a while to keep in touch with your old friends but the busier you get, the harder it will be. Also, you might feel like you don’t have a ton in common with them anymore.
The Pursuit is Half the Battle
Nothing is easy. Finding a job, internship, or opportunity is NOT easy. And even when you land one, it’s maybe not ideal. And that’s ok. It’s welcome. Because your only goal right now is to learn as much as you can about what you love, what you hate and what you want out of your life.
Create a Routine to Maximize your Happiness
Routine is the key to creating the base to happiness. You may figure routines are boring. And they can be. But embrace the boring!! Boring can provide so much happiness long-term.
Save Save Save – How to Start Saving and Why it Matters
Spending each paycheck as if it’s the paycheck you’ll get for the rest of your life is a mistake — you don’t know what will happen in the future. With every paycheck, set aside money to “pay yourself’. Start saving as much as you can until it’s uncomfortable. Why should you be uncomfortable now? Especially when you don’t even make enough to live the life you want to lead now? Why should you allocate any money toward savings especially since…
How to Make and Keep Goals so You’re Unstoppable
We did it. We got through 2017. 2017 was such a bummer in a lot of ways. I love changing over a year because it provides a world of opportunity. It’s like starting a new chapter in the book of you. Try to make actionable New Year’s Resolutions this year so you actually keep the resolutions. Wouldn’t it be incredible to look back on 2018 and realize, wow, I accomplished everything I set forth for myself! Here is how you…