Quick Tips
Are you soon-to-be grad or recent grad and trying to differentiate yourself in a sea of sameness? Are you applying for jobs but not hearing back? Or are you not sure where to even start?
Which Friends Should I Hold Onto?
You’ve had a lot of friends that you went to school with – which is awesome. When you move to a new city, you could be wondering who to keep and who to let go. You try for a while to keep in touch with your old friends but the busier you get, the harder it will be. Also, you might feel like you don’t have a ton in common with them anymore.
How to Focus Your Job Search if You Have So Many Interests
So you’re good at a lot of different things– good for you. That’s most excellent and a great place to be. In the job search, you might be having a tough time staying focused. What type of job should you go after? How can you hear back from the opportunities you’ve applied for?
The Pursuit is Half the Battle
Nothing is easy. Finding a job, internship, or opportunity is NOT easy. And even when you land one, it’s maybe not ideal. And that’s ok. It’s welcome. Because your only goal right now is to learn as much as you can about what you love, what you hate and what you want out of your life.
Interns Don’t Work from Home
In any new job there is a probationary period to make sure you’re performing up to the standards of the position. Then once you settle in and your boss realizes your value, you can start taking some advantages such as vacation time or being able to work from home. Unfortunately, an internship is a probationary period that never ends
What’s Next?
You’ve been asking yourself what’s next for the past several months—wondering what will happen once you graduate. Now that you’ve graduated (or close to it), you’re eager to move into the job market. Welcome to the beginning, which is the hardest place to be. But begin we must. You are determined. You want to make your mark and start your career. So why the heck aren’t you getting calls for interviews? Why don’t they realize how awesome you are? Do…
Create a Routine to Maximize your Happiness
Routine is the key to creating the base to happiness. You may figure routines are boring. And they can be. But embrace the boring!! Boring can provide so much happiness long-term.